Neighbourhood management
Landlords and residents working together for cleaner, safer, and more enjoyable neighbourhoods
Cracked pavements? Lightbulbs in hallways not working? Play areas that aren’t safe?
All social landlords are responsible for the common areas of the land and buildings that they own and must keep them clean and safe.
If they don’t, residents have the right to complain and challenge the failure to properly maintain these areas.
Landlords also have a responsibility to work with others to contribute to the upkeep and safety of the
neighbourhoods and communities they provide homes for. From April 2024, this will be actively regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing.
Neighbourhood management is a particular way of working with neighbourhoods to co-ordinate common services and areas. How landlords do it varies but the core idea is that there is a team of housing staff based locally: caretakers, community estate officers, support officers, a repairs team, co-ordinated by a neighbourhood or estate manager. This team needs to work with as many other services as possible e.g. police, health, youth services, community centres.
There are examples of neighbourhood management happening across the country, including many tenant management organisations. In the video below, Poplar HARCA describe how this is the heart of their approach in East London.
Useful links on this website
Downloadable resources
What is neighbourhood management – a presentation by Professor Anne Power
Poplar HARCA, neighbourhood management in East London
External websites
The government’s Neighbourhood & Community Standard
National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations (NFTMO)
Neighbourhood management
Chapters in this video (39 mins)
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