How to get people involved
September 10, 2024 @ 19:30 – 21:00
Part of a series of monthly webinars to help social housing residents understand their rights, how to stand up for them, and how to get better treatment and services from landlords.
“Nobody seems bothered”, “we only get a few people coming along to meetings”…
One of the things that often comes up in Four Million Homes sessions is to how to get other people involved: whether it’s about finding out and organising around a shared issue you’re facing with your landlord, or about engaging more people in your resident group or association.
Ryan Shelswell, Customer Voice Lead from Cobalt Housing in Liverpool, alongside involved tenants Leah Stevens and Julie Hoyle, will deliver a presentation on how Cobalt Housing approach tenant involvement; both formally and informally at a neighbourhood level.
Paul Kelly, CCH Associate, will deliver a talk around the CCH Active Engagement strategy and how to explore different routes to engage tenants and how to measure success.
As always, there’ll be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and for discussion.
Session is open to all social housing residents. Closed captions will be enabled.

Meet the team
Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly has been working in the field of community development and housing led regeneration for the past 30 years.
Helen Bartlett
Helen is the Project Manager for the Four Million Homes programme.