
Part of a series of monthly webinars to help social housing residents understand their rights, how to stand up for them, and how to get better treatment and services from landlords.
Social housing landlords must clearly communicate to tenants and relevant organisations how they will assist tenants seeking housing adaptations and must co-operate with tenants, appropriate local authority departments and other relevant organisations so that a housing adaptations service is available to tenants where appropriate. For residents with different health conditions or disabilities, there are often various different options, based on what’s needed. This webinar will look at what happens if you need some help, where you should start, what some of the options and challenges might be and how the system could or should work better. We’ll be joined by Paul Smith, who’s the CEO of Foundations UK, the national body for Disabled Facilities Grants and Home Improvement Agencies in England. There’ll be plenty of opportunity for discussion and your questions. Session open to all social housing residents. Closed captions will be enabled.

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